when did dodo birds go extinct

The dodo bird, a majestic creature that once roamed freely on the island of Mauritius, is now extinct. Its disappearance is an epic tragedy; it was a victim of its own naivety and human interference in its habitat. Scientific records indicate that the extinction of this

The dodo was first seen by Portuguese sailors around 1507 and was subsequently exterminated by humans and their introduced animals. The last widely accepted sighting of a dodo was in 1662, although it’s believed that unnoticed populations may have lived for another few decades. Within a century of its discovery, the dodo went extinct 324.

This flightless bird, with its distinctive appearance of brownish-grey plumage, yellow feet, a tuft of tail feathers, a grey, naked head, and a black, yellow, and green beak, has left an indelible mark in history. Although we can only imagine its exact behavior and appearance based on drawings and accounts from the 17th century, the dodo remains a symbol of both human-induced extinction and the fragility of unique ecosystems 3.


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